zondag 22 mei 2011

football ;)

Hi guys,

I would like to tell you something about one of my passions; watching (foreign) football. I'm a great fan of Fc. Barçelona, spicifically of Lionel Messi (n° 10). He's a great player. At home, I'm reading a book about his childhood and how he was discovered. In real life, he's very shy. In one part of the book, this is very clear; when he's at home and he's talking to his mum she says 'How many girls would love to be in my place right now?' He answers 'Don't talk nonsense mum!' Wow, I would love to be on his side!! Sometimes, I'm a bit jealous on his girlfriend, I would love to be in her place! But, that's simply not possible. It will only be in dreams, I think. But, I'm happy that he's happy, that's the most important thing for me. And, when he scores and wins, of course. This saturday, it's Fc. Barçelona versus Manchester United. Or I'll look? Yeah, you don't have to ask me 2 times!! Be sure I'll watch. I hope they win. They're the bests!!!!!!!

Will you also look?
greetings Dorien ;)
P.S.: don't forget: thumbs up this saturday night!! ;)

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