zondag 22 mei 2011

football ;)

Hi guys,

I would like to tell you something about one of my passions; watching (foreign) football. I'm a great fan of Fc. Barçelona, spicifically of Lionel Messi (n° 10). He's a great player. At home, I'm reading a book about his childhood and how he was discovered. In real life, he's very shy. In one part of the book, this is very clear; when he's at home and he's talking to his mum she says 'How many girls would love to be in my place right now?' He answers 'Don't talk nonsense mum!' Wow, I would love to be on his side!! Sometimes, I'm a bit jealous on his girlfriend, I would love to be in her place! But, that's simply not possible. It will only be in dreams, I think. But, I'm happy that he's happy, that's the most important thing for me. And, when he scores and wins, of course. This saturday, it's Fc. Barçelona versus Manchester United. Or I'll look? Yeah, you don't have to ask me 2 times!! Be sure I'll watch. I hope they win. They're the bests!!!!!!!

Will you also look?
greetings Dorien ;)
P.S.: don't forget: thumbs up this saturday night!! ;)

23 april 2011

On April 23 was the Benelux championship country dancing in Sittard. We had to get up at 7:30. We had to drive one houre before we arrived!! I was participating the group social female. We should have been with 5 girls, but only 3 of them showed up. This time, a friend of me borrowed me some competition clothes. I liked them a lot! It was a white body with skirt, a black body with skirt and a glitter t-shirt with baggy trousers. I had to do 3 dances, and they all went well. For the first dance, I was very nervous. I was shivering on the dancefloor. But after this dance, everything went fine. When I had finished my dances, we had to wait 4 houres for the results! When the time has come, everybody came back inside. Eventually, I was 3th of the 3. Actually I was 3th of the 5, but I don't count the other 2 girls who weren't there. When we were riding back home, my friend asked that we first go drink something. We arrived back home at 23:30. I was very tired and actually disappointed. It was the last time I participated in a contest. But, I still dance and will never stop!!

Hope you liked this story,
greetz Dorien.